Introduction to Nonfusion Technology
There are many types of spine surgery that may improve outcomes by lessening the surgical illness and the possibility of adjacent level degeneration. However, because of the advances in technology, there are new ways of treatment that may result to long term and short term complications. On the other hand, there is not enough proof and evidence that nonfusion implants are way better compared to fusion in mid to long term follow-up. It is important for both surgeons and patients to have enough knowledge when it comes to nonfusion because it also has risks and benefits. Moreover, there are other ways of treating injuries. Central Texas Spine Institute PLLC located in Austin, Texas, is a private medical practice offering comprehensive spine care, including diagnostic services, conservative treatment modalities, and spine surgery. But for this article, the advantages and disadvantages of nonfusion technology as treatment will be discussed.
Advantages of Nonfusion Technology
On of the most common advantage of nonfusion technology is the removal of the need for bone replacement. The short and long term morbidity is associate with autograft harvesting. Another benefit of nonfusion technology in spine surgery is the reduction in surgical morbidity. This type of surgery is somewhat related to less short term surgical morbidity depending on the prevailing practices of surgeons. Elimination of pseudarthrosis is possible through nonfusion surgery. Pseudarthrosis is known as something that may lead to negative outcome after the surgery. Fortunately, nonfusion technology is Pseudarthrosis free. The last advantage of nonfusion technology for the sake of this article is the reduction of adjacent level degeneration. However, because of lack of studies, the evidence and proof that shows NFT reduce ALD is not enough.