YouTube refers to a video sharing website that allows millions of users to view and upload videos. Indeed, it uses the HTML5 technology and Adobe Flash Video for the need of displaying both user generated and corporate media video. Basically, most of the contents that are available are such as; music videos, video clips, educational videos and video blogging among many others.
On the other hand, an Instagram is an online site that enables the users to share their photos, videos via mobile devices and also through a variety of networking platforms such as; face book, and twitter. A more distinctive feature about it is the capability of confining photos in a more square shaped design.
Furthermore, in terms of Internet marketing both the two websites play a key role in enhancing viability for your products and services to the rest of interested consumers worldwide. Moreover, in creating traffic and marketing your products; you tube is one of the powerful and favorite ways in which a particular business or brand can effectively market itself online through creating and enhancing video assets.
Besides, use of video increases the availability and engagement for any piece of content. Indeed, this is more useful for many businesses to incorporate with it in their marketing mix.
The merits of using YouTube in marketing over the Instagram.
The most popular world video sharing flat form
Consequently, as compared with the Instagram, use of You Tube earns great reputation from many people worldwide. For example, with capability in having accessibility of over one billion users visiting it every month, an estimation of one hundred videos being uploaded from it in every second and watched on each month.
Comparatively, when compared with the use of the Instagram, you tube is the highest trafficked web-based video publishing flat form, with impressive stats on its statistics page.
It is owned by the Google.
Correspondingly, high chances of you marketing products and services on YouTube; increases the opportunity of also getting found in Google. Basically, prior to that, you can write high quality articles especially on your site and create contemporary videos in you tube. Furthermore, with doing this, it increases viability on your site; due to more often you are found on the Google by the people who keep on searching.
The consideration of YouTube over the Instagram especially on marketing strategy for your business, increases more chances over the authority of your website. In addition, website which is more authoritative in Google, leads to high rank for your pages in the search result and it is also possible to greatly speed up the whole process if you buy YouTube views straight away and use the ‘fake it till you make it’ tactic.
It’s free.
The creation of YouTube channel for your brand or business is completely free. Hence, begin immediately sharing your video contents with rest of the word worldwide fans. Furthermore, a clear guide of how you can have such an account being well stated.
One’s content never dies.

The use of YouTube especially in marketing can greatly assist you to re-purpose content that had already been created without the need of wasting time; or buying more expensive equipment’s.
With the use of it also over Instagram; availability of re-purpose content which is an effective form of content marketing increases chances of you reaching that audience who needs such particular kind of content. Besides, this approach facilitates you to create different pieces of contents from just one idea, resulting to audience being more interested due to the useful information provided.
Growth of your audience word wide.
Relatively as compared with Instagram marketing, this is the most known site that enables millions of users to comfortably market their products and services effectively. Consistently, with creation of video contents that attracts new visitors who could not have made their way to your business at all. Furthermore, the inclusion of more closed captions especially on the videos increases high chances in reaching audience with different needs.
More effectiveness.
Moreover, many of the consumers are more motivated to buy especially when they watch the videos. Therefore, due to the accumulation of different videos for millions of products especially on YouTube; this increases high opportunities in promotion of sales for a particular brand or business. Indeed, the videos convert their minds better in preference for products.
Search Engine Optimization.
Most of the results surveys show out that, video results are high ranked among the top one hundred search listings on the Google. In fact, most of the consumers who look for product and services on it, high chances of them stopping on the search engine are high. This is called search engine optimization.
Availability to target the audience with Ad words for video.
Additionally, with the use of Google Ad words for video, which entails advertising on those videos that your audience are more likely to watch and search; this leads a possibility of your products and services becoming more outreach to the eyes of customers .
Furthermore, when comparing this service on You Tube over Instagram marketing; it has more reputation from many people.
On the contrary, using Instagram sometimes in marketing has a high level of engagement than any other site. This is because the number and ratio of comments, likes; for a particular post of a product or service can greatly draw the attention to many people purchasing the product.
Likewise, many of the marketer’s word wide have discovered using social networking platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook among others strengthens their brands in a great proportion. This is because; these social websites allows millions of individuals and businesses to interact together resulting into stronger marketing relationships. Then, most of the consumers are able to express their needs, wants, values online due to the availability of information about products and services.
However, apart from these popular marketing online sites contributing a lot to an increase in the sales of a particular brand; there are still some challenges associated with them such as; competitive advertising, quality of the content, especially in YouTube because when it appears offensive can hurt you in one way or another and traffic cannibalization among many others.
To summarize, effective use of YouTube and Instagram in marketing strategy, depending on the targeted products and services to customers; can both contribute an increase in amount of sales and profits.